Tuesday, September 05, 2006


My apologies for keeping this website so unrefreshingly boring. I'm using the excuse that I had a show open, a change of jobs, a friggin' awesome birthday (complete with three people too drunk to do anything but pass out), and a Labor Day devoted to watching snakes eat people.

But now I'm back! And redirecting you to knoxville520.com where you can read the article I wrote about Cal MacLean, the new Artistic Director of the Clarence Brown Theatre.

Calvin is a really nice guy, and took the time out of his day to sit down with me, a sometimes reporter. He is looking to up the ante at the Clarence Brown: making the professional shows more polished, the student shows more hands-on, and the overall educational experience what it should be: educational.

Tangent: I'm glad A Year With Frog and Toad is on the plate this year; maybe this is a sign that the yearly musical selection will be fresh and modern. Perhaps Urinetown or Bat Boy is on the horizon? Or Naked Boys Singing?


Blogger Green said...

Well Cod damn, boy, you're good with the thing and the writng and such! There goes the illiteracy hypothesis.

Knoxville is in this constant flux. It's like it's trying to come out of the closet to the rest of Tennessee. Like, it's digging its foot in the ground and saying, "Memphis, Nashville, Chattanooga, you too Townsend. We need to talk..."

Anyone think Calvin's picture sort of looks like Q off of Star Trek: The Next Generation? Eh, no one knows who that is. I'm gonna go, now.

Oh! And happy belated butt-slapping day, Mr. Beuerlein.

1:17 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Do you mean, "a sometime reporter"?

11:08 PM  
Blogger the badge said...

Yes, I did mean that. Which gives evidence to how much of a sometime reporter I am.

8:22 PM  

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