I realize this has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of your blog, but since you seem to wield such motivational power, could you maybe do an entry on Interstate 40 Construction?
Thank God somebody is writing what we're all thinking. People are always bad mouthing Knoxville theatre, but you know what? Suck it. Seeing shows in Knoxville is fun because there is always someone to root for in every production you see. Whether it's a friend, a family member, or one of those goddamn talented Greers, Knoxville theatre is fun, exciting, and beats the hell outta standing in line at the Pinnacle waiting for Pirates of the Carribean 2 to disappoint you.
Wow, who knew that you could shame them into doing it!
I realize this has nothing whatsoever to do with the topic of your blog, but since you seem to wield such motivational power, could you maybe do an entry on Interstate 40 Construction?
Thank God somebody is writing what we're all thinking. People are always bad mouthing Knoxville theatre, but you know what? Suck it. Seeing shows in Knoxville is fun because there is always someone to root for in every production you see. Whether it's a friend, a family member, or one of those goddamn talented Greers, Knoxville theatre is fun, exciting, and beats the hell outta standing in line at the Pinnacle waiting for Pirates of the Carribean 2 to disappoint you.
Yay! The site is updated! And only 2 months late!!
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